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Okay, so you searched for your dream girl, you found her and remembered our escort etiquette from the last post. You were polite to the booking agency, you agreed to the terms and prices set you and you remembered your manners. Well done. Now were going to advise you on how to prepare for your booking. You used your manners and a beautiful girl is coming to see you, great, but now what?
This should go without saying but have a fresh shower or wash before seeing your escort. She will appreciate the cleanliness and it’s also expected. Have a shave aswell, even if your facial hair isn’t wild, give it a cleanup and look tidy. She will appreciate the effort and will be more willing to please a well-groomed man. No one wants to try to satisfy somebody who is evidently dirty or hygienically off putting.
This should extend to your clothes or rather your underwear. Make sure you have on clean fresh underwear, again, dirty underwear is not a turn on, and it’s very likely your escort will be less willing to please you if she thinks you’re not clean.
Make sure to do this before the booking, or if you really want her to see your fresh and you want to equally make sure you’re fresh, you can both take a shower before proceedings begin.
Make sure you have all the money, in cash, ready to pay before you see her. Don’t waste her time with things like ‘ i'll pay you tomorrow’ or ‘i'll pay you half tomorrow’ or ‘let me just run to a cash point’ really quick. She won’t appreciate this and you could wind her up and ruin your chances of ever seeing her or another escort again.
Also, escorts deal with everything in cash, so don’t just hand her a large amount of money for the world to see. Put your stack of money in a small envelope and leave it on a sink or on a drawer. The payment is usually made at the beginning when you first meet, be ready to pay and pay accordingly.
Drinking isn’t very appreciated when meeting an escort, so if you do need a drink to calm your nerves before meeting her, then do so but make sure to let her know you’ve had one. Also keep it to a minimum as no escort wants to spend time with someone who's blind drunk or just acting a fool, keep your senses as sharp as possible and be in the moment with her, it will help you both immerse yourselves in the experience. She may even join you for a quick drink or two before you begin, it’s polite to offer. Offer her a drink of alcohol or water and remember not to get drunk off your face.
If you’ve enjoyed yourself, and your escort was everything you dreamed of and more, then it’s helpful to tip. You can pay your escort extra money on top of what’s agreed, whether this is £20 or £200 she will appreciate the added bonus and it will let her know she did well and you appreciated and enjoyed her services, a good compliment for any escort. Alternatively, presents are also a good way of showing this. Get her chocolates, perfumes, flowers or jewellery. Like most women, she will love these gifts and appreciate the fact you got them for her.
Be wary though, escorts are used to this, buying gifts for her won’t win her heart, and if you are planning on buying your way into her heart, it’s very like you will just end up in a sugar daddy-sugar baby situation as you won’t win her affection with presents. Use them to say thank you, be kind, respectful and most of all, have fun!